bookmark_border3 Ways to Mitigating the Risk of DNS Cache Poisoning

The Internet has become an essential part of our daily lives, but it’s not without its risks. One of these risks is DNS cache poisoning, a type of cyber attack that can compromise your internet security. It can lead to a variety of problems, including redirecting you to malicious websites or stealing your personal information. In this blog post, we will explore what this attack is and three ways to mitigate the risk of this type of attack.

What is DNS Cache Poisoning?

DNS (Domain Name System) cache poisoning, also known as DNS spoofing, is a type of cyber attack in which an attacker corrupts the DNS server’s cache data. DNS is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses that computers use to access websites. When you type a URL into your browser, the browser sends a request to the DNS server to find the IP address associated with that domain name. The DNS server then responds with the IP address, and your browser connects to that IP address to load the website.

What DNS cache is?

In Domain Name System spoofing, the attacker manipulates the DNS server’s cache data to redirect you to a fake website, usually a phishing site, instead of the legitimate one. This can result in the theft of sensitive information like login credentials, credit card information, or other personal data.

3 Ways to Mitigating DNS Cache Poisoning

Let’s take a look at three ways to mitigate the risk of DNS cache poisoning:

  • Implement DNSSEC

DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a set of security protocols that aim to secure DNS communications against attacks such as cache poisoning. DNSSEC adds a layer of authentication and integrity to the DNS system by digitally signing DNS records. This ensures that the DNS responses received by clients are legitimate and have not been tampered with. By implementing DNSSEC, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of this attack.

  • Use DNS Filtering

DNS filtering is another effective way to mitigate the risk of DNS spoofing. DNS filtering involves using a DNS server that blocks access to known malicious websites. This prevents the user from accessing the fake website even if the DNS cache has been poisoned. DNS filtering can also block access to other types of malicious content, such as malware, phishing websites, and botnets.

  • Monitor DNS Traffic

Monitoring DNS traffic can also help organizations identify and mitigate the risk of DNS cache poisoning attacks. By monitoring DNS traffic, organizations can detect suspicious activities, such as an unusually high volume of requests for a specific domain or requests coming from unknown IP addresses. By detecting and responding to these activities promptly, organizations can prevent cache poisoning attacks from succeeding.


DNS cache poisoning is a serious threat that can have significant consequences for organizations. However, by implementing DNSSEC, DNS filtering, and monitoring solutions, organizations can mitigate the risk of cyber attacks and protect themselves. In addition, taking these measures can help ensure the integrity of the DNS resolution process and safeguard against data theft, financial losses, and other negative impacts.

bookmark_borderAuthoritative DNS server: Definition & Characteristics

Are you looking for a reliable way to connect your business to the web? Then, an authoritative DNS server is the perfect solution! It provides a secure, up-to-date source for domain names and IP addresses, ensuring that your website can be accessed quickly and accurately. Read on to learn more about an authoritative DNS server, its key characteristics, and its essential benefits for any web infrastructure.

Explanation & Characteristics of an Authoritative DNS Server

An authoritative DNS server is a specialized server that translates domain names into IP addresses. Browsers and other network devices use it to access website content. In addition to providing the address lookup service, the it also acts as the central repository of information, keeping track of all the domains and their authoritative name servers. When a domain name is requested, these authoritative name servers send the correct IP address. The authoritative DNS server keeps the information up-to-date by transferring zone records between master and slave name servers. It also includes caching, reliability, and security to ensure maximum performance and reliability.

Why is it required?

An authoritative DNS server is one of the most critical components of the Internet. With it, translating a domain name into an IP address is possible. It is responsible for providing information about the various names associated with a domain name. It is also responsible for providing the correct IP address when the name is requested. In addition to providing this essential lookup service, the authoritative DNS server also maintains records of the authoritative name servers of each domain. It is responsible for transferring the domain records between them. This transfer helps keep the information up-to-date and increases the reliability and security of the DNS system.

The authoritative DNS server also provides other essential services, such as caching and reliability. Caching allows the records that have already been looked up to be stored in the server’s memory, improving system performance when the same address is requested multiple times. Reliability is also increased, as the authoritative DNS server ensures that the IP addresses are updated sparingly to reduce the risk of any outages or incorrect information being returned. These features all help to ensure that the Internet can be accessed quickly and reliably.

Authoritative DNS server vulnerabilities

Authoritative DNS servers are vulnerable to a variety of attacks. These attacks can disrupt service, cause server downtime and cause permanent damage to the DNS infrastructure. Some of the most common vulnerabilities of authoritative DNS servers include brute-force attacks, DNS cache poisoning, man-in-the-middle attacks, DNS amplification, and spoofing.

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Brute-force attacks are attempts to guess access credentials, such as domain names and passwords, to gain access to a DNS server. DNS cache poisoning involves corrupting cached entry data in order to execute malicious redirects. Man-in-the-middle attacks occur when malicious individuals intercept normal request-response communication between the DNS server and the user’s device. DNS amplification is an attack where attackers cause the DNS server to send an unbounded amount of traffic, overwhelming the server and causing it to crash. Lastly, spoofing is simply the process of faking DNS responses. All of these vulnerabilities can be avoided by ensuring that proper security measures are in place, such as using IP whitelisting and enabling DNSSEC.

Recursive DNS vs Authoritative DNS

Recursive DNS and authoritative DNS are two different types of servers. A recursive DNS server is responsible for saving information and then serving it to clients when asked. This is done by sending a request to another server and then providing the client with the requested IP address. An authoritative DNS server is responsible for supplying records and identifying which other server holds what information. It contains the master list of records used to address DNS queries and answer them.

An authoritative server is crucial for a website to be properly configured. It is necessary to correctly identify where online resources such as websites and files are stored. On the other hand, if a website is not properly configured, it cannot be accessed or used. Recursive DNS servers are essential for providing the name resolution service needed to ensure quick access and a smooth browsing or user experience. By combining both benefits, users can quickly and reliably access the desired websites and files.


An authoritative DNS server is essential for a successful web infrastructure. It provides the necessary lookup service, maintains up-to-date records, and ensures that the IP addresses are cached and secure. With an authoritative DNS server, businesses can provide speedy and reliable access to their website, improving the overall user experience.